Transformative Coronary Care at Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital
The heart, a fundamental organ, pumps blood and provides oxygen. Coronary artery disease, often known as CAD, damages the heart by restricting blood-supply channels caused by clots or plaque development. This disorder, commonly known as atherosclerosis, reduces arterial space, negatively compromising heart health.
Ayurveda is the best way to treat any kind of chronic or acute disease. At Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital, our Coronary Heart Disease Treatment in Pune is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. Our extensive competence is crucial in this endeavor. The Hospital serves as a light of hope for people seeking holistic cardiac treatment by effortlessly integrating ancient knowledge with present medical science.
What signs and symptoms can indicate you might have coronary heart disease?
The following details the signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease:
- Dizziness;
- Angina, in which there is pressure, burning, squeezing, or tightness during exercise;
- Cold sweat;
- Nausea;
- Indigestion;
- Pain in the neck;
- General weakness;
- Dyspnea;
- Sleep disturbance;
- Fatigue;
- Pain in the neck;
- Nervousness;
- Anxiety.
Chest pain is less common in women compared to men. The symptoms tend to happen more often in them:
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Pressure or tightness in the chest
- Abdominal pain
What Factors Contribute to the Appearance of Coronary Heart Disease?
The development of atherosclerosis (plaques) in the heart muscles is the main cause of coronary heart disease, causing arteries to harden and cholesterol plaques to accumulate on their walls.
If the surface ruptures or bursts, then platelets accumulate in this place, trying to repair the artery, and this blocks the artery, which leads to a heart attack.
Coronary artery disease harms the inner part of the heart's blood vessels due to several factors leading to injury, which include:
- Smoking;
- High blood pressure;
- high cholesterol;
- diabetes or insulin resistance;
- Passive lifestyle;
- Overweight.
There are two main causes of coronary artery disease, which are detailed below:
- Plaque buildup:When plaque builds up in the arteries, it is called atherosclerosis. This occurs as arteries toughen and shrink, lessening heart blood supply. Tiny clots develop in minor arteries.
- Molecular changes observed in small blood vessels:Molecular changes in the small vessels of the heart are due to normal aging processes. Damage to small vessels is caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic inflammation.
How Does Ayurveda Perceive Coronary Heart Disease?
In Ayurveda, coronary heart disease is compared to Hridaya-yoga. When vata dosha becomes vital and disturbs the rasa dhatu in the body, it results in Hridaya roga or Kapha dosha, which causes the hardening of the arteries.
Ayurveda describes the following types of Hridaya Roga:
- Vataj-hridaroga, in which a person experiences acute pain with a shifting character.
- Pittaja hridaroga, in which the patient experiences pain with a burning sensation.
- Kaphaja hridaroga, in which the patient experiences mild pain, often accompanied by heaviness, nausea, and coughing.
- Tridoshaja-hridaroga is when a person has a mix of symptoms from the three doshas, causing heart-related issues.
At Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital, we embody these ancient principles to holistically address and manage coronary heart disease. Our experienced practitioners utilize personalized treatments, encompassing herbal therapies, dietary adjustments, and panchakarma techniques tailored to individual doshic imbalances. Through a comprehensive approach rooted in centuries-old wisdom, we aim to restore cardiovascular well-being and enhance overall vitality.
What Are the Effective Panchakarma Treatments for Coronary Heart Disease?
Following are the effective Panchakarma treatments that are recommended:
Patra potli pind sweda
In this therapy, medicinal leaves are wrapped in potli and then dipped in warm oil. With the help of this sweat, the whole body is massaged to increase blood circulation.
Shashti shali Pind Veda
in this procedure, boiled rice is wrapped in a potli. Then dip it in warm medical oil. Do a full body massage to increase blood circulation.
In this procedure, a ring is formed in the chest area, into which warm oil is poured several times with the help of a sponge. Massage of the chest area is performed with this medicated oil to clear blockages in the heart.
Incorporating holistic methodologies, Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital excels in administering these treatments, contributing significantly to Coronary Heart Disease care. So, without waiting, experience holistic healing at our Hospital, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness. Book your transformative journey now with our Coronary Heart Disease Treatment in Pune.